jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

in the plataform

The most difficult task was listening, because I usually do not even hear English well, the activity I liked most was to do as I like Facebook which came out I really like
The skill that has been hardest for me is listening, I don´t understand the words when they speak very quickly ...

see you !!!


jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

My experience in this blog

I think that my experience in this blog is positive, in first place this blog It has helped me to learn more English words and improve my pronuciación, also this blog themes were very interesting what seemed very entertaining.

at first it was very difficult for me to express things in English, but eventually It helped me to gain more knowledge of English words and express the things I think more easily for my classmates.

There are some post that I found very interesting, such as my favorite music or my favorite series. thanks to this I shared with my fellow course a bit about my interests.

in the future I would like to include post free theme for students to feel more interest in the blog, I also believe that it would be an interesting topic about things we do in free time since we aren´t all the same course, so we can know more about the classmates.

I would like to write about my trips, because one can talk about their experiences,  things like food, places, culture and recommendations for potential classmates interested inside the course english 3

this experience if necessary and very helpful....

see you soon !!!!!!!

Simón Gálvez

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

About my favorite series

My favorite serie is Avatar , The  Last Airbender. The Legend of Aang  is  the American animated television series that aired for three seasons on Nickelodeon,  was in a context an Asian-influenced world of martial arts and elemental manipulation. The show drew on elements from East Asian and South Asian.

this serie tell about  that  their protagonists must save the world by defeating Fire Lord Ozai and ending the destructive war with the Fire Nation. The term "Avatar" comes from the Sanskrit word Avatāra, which means "descent.

Avatar draws on the four classical elements common to most ancient philosophies for its bending arts: water, earth, fire and air. Although each has its own variation, the science fiction genre is mixed with a little fantasy .

other serie that I like it is dragon ball z  since I was a child but now this serie is not interesting for me. I would like see the serie "titanes", this serie tell about the persons who live inside the locked wall because outside,  there titanes of  10 meters of tall who eat humans

see you soon !!!!


                                                    This is Avatar ...

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

A person that I admire

A person that I admire is Margot Loyola, was an singer and researcher of folklore, considered one of the most influential personalities of the Chilean art world and who was a contemporary of Violeta Parra, was part of various groups such as Loyola Sisters, Cuncumén and Palomar, with which he bequeathed to the national culture a collection of CDs, books and videos.

She in their research, applied a method of pure anthropological and ethnographic style, this consisted in travel to  each village inside the country, collecting  and exploring  the cultural diversity of peoples in their musical and dance

She toured from Arica from Punta Arenas including Easter island, rescuing  songs and dances of our country that were not valued in her moment.

She won the National Prize of Musical Arts in the country in 1994, which I generated much admiration because  was  creating a legacy that persists to this day, also she have  won the respect in Chile and in the sudamérica for his  job.

see you soon !!!!


                                          this is Margol Loyola dressed Mapuche.

jueves, 6 de agosto de 2015

A place i would like to visit....

My favorite place for visit is " Cartagena de Indias" situated in "Colombia". I would like this place because Cartagena is an important historical city inside colombia,  The colonial architecture seen in houses, government buildings and churches, formerly, for the defense of Cartagena de Indias, King Philip II of Spain ordered the construction of walls, forts and castles, which still exist and are an attraction for tourists who visit, also multiculturalism is one of the things that attracted the most attention, his past of people slaves that  was mixing  to form a cultural syncretism very interesting in his  music, in  his  culture and his vision of life.

Cartagena de Indias  have an beautiful Caribbean, with its colourful  crystalline waters, added to this  the weather is very nice at all year, making it more attractive.

I hope to know this place soon !!!

see you 

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015

Movie Avatar ....

my favorite movie is Avatar,I like it because this movie have very good plot, also I love the storytelling and concepts in Avatar, In that respect,I think I for spectacle, excitement and just plain fun, it really is a great movie,  cool, shiny,  and I love the characters,, the intelligence, the themes, and the world.

I  saw  the movie for first time in 2009 when I went the cinema to see it, this movie is created by James Cameron and account a history about Pandora, this planet is invaded for the human for getting a mineral very expensive inside Pandora

I usually see Sci-fi  films because It´s very imaginative, also  scientific developments, or by fantastic special effects. Sci-fi films are complete with heroes, distant planets, impossible quests, improbable settings, fantastic places.

the film  most recent that I saw was is Insurgente but I don´t like the trama because the movie is slow and convoluted understand it.

SEE YOU !!!!!! 


martes, 28 de julio de 2015

I would like stop the time

This photograph was taken in july 2014 in Easter Island, Rapa-Nui. My friend lives in Easter island and she took this picture with de monolithic human figures carved from volcanic rock,(know as Moai). Rapa Nui’s mysterious moai statues stand in silence but speak volumes about the achievements of their creators. The stone blocks, carved into head-and-torso figures, average 13 feet (4 meters) tall and 14 tons. The effort to construct these monuments and move them around the island must have been considerable, this photo is the ahu tongariki, the most large in Easter Aisland.

I like it this photo because I feel part of  the millenary culture Rapa-Nui, the songs Rapa- Nui I like it too because the songs tell the history about moments lived on the island,  also in the present I am  in a group of  Rapa-Nui and I will travel with my group to paraguay in final the september.

see you !!!
