jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

My experience in this blog

I think that my experience in this blog is positive, in first place this blog It has helped me to learn more English words and improve my pronuciación, also this blog themes were very interesting what seemed very entertaining.

at first it was very difficult for me to express things in English, but eventually It helped me to gain more knowledge of English words and express the things I think more easily for my classmates.

There are some post that I found very interesting, such as my favorite music or my favorite series. thanks to this I shared with my fellow course a bit about my interests.

in the future I would like to include post free theme for students to feel more interest in the blog, I also believe that it would be an interesting topic about things we do in free time since we aren´t all the same course, so we can know more about the classmates.

I would like to write about my trips, because one can talk about their experiences,  things like food, places, culture and recommendations for potential classmates interested inside the course english 3

this experience if necessary and very helpful....

see you soon !!!!!!!

Simón Gálvez

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