jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015

A person that I admire

A person that I admire is Margot Loyola, was an singer and researcher of folklore, considered one of the most influential personalities of the Chilean art world and who was a contemporary of Violeta Parra, was part of various groups such as Loyola Sisters, Cuncumén and Palomar, with which he bequeathed to the national culture a collection of CDs, books and videos.

She in their research, applied a method of pure anthropological and ethnographic style, this consisted in travel to  each village inside the country, collecting  and exploring  the cultural diversity of peoples in their musical and dance

She toured from Arica from Punta Arenas including Easter island, rescuing  songs and dances of our country that were not valued in her moment.

She won the National Prize of Musical Arts in the country in 1994, which I generated much admiration because  was  creating a legacy that persists to this day, also she have  won the respect in Chile and in the sudamérica for his  job.

see you soon !!!!


                                          this is Margol Loyola dressed Mapuche.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi, thanks for expanding the culture, best regards

  2. Hi, thanks for expanding the culture, best regards

  3. Hi Simon! I really like folklore, we should make a party with that kind of music and not only in september
