domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

My favorite music..

The kind of music that I like the most, is the music from the Easter island. I begun taking classes of Rapa-nui music on 2014 when I went to the Easter aisland for 1 week in July.
This music is very interesnting for me, because I feel a special connection with this music, the pronunciation is very difficult and complex, because it´s in another language, polynesian language, also this music tells the history and different events that tool place in the Easter Island.
At the moment I´m in a group of only Rapa-nui music, its name is MARAMA wich in spanich means knowledge, I play the guitar, ukelele and sometimes upa-upa, wich is some kind of accordeon.

The other kind of music that I like is pop , I specially like it when I go to a disco, this music is very fun and upbeat, I sometimes go to clubs because I like dancing to pop music.

* this is my ukelele, polynesian instrument.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Simón I like dancing pop music too. You have a ukelele? fantastic!! what is his name? I want buy a guitar
    Byeeeee :)

  2. Hi Simón
    I think I 'm going to internalize with that music , Greetings

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Hi friend!
    I also like pop music, let's dance,when a nightclub?
    See you :)

  5. i can see that you really like rapa nui. See you soon!
