jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015


hello everybody mi name is simón gálvez i live in Santiago

I study public administration at the universidad de chile, I began the university at 2013,  this is my third year in my degree and  I like so much because I think that, I can to improve the estructure of the institution provided  I finish my study. I live with my mother her name is Macarena and my stepfather his name is Maximiliano also i have varius animals for example:  25 parrots, 2 dogs and 1 cat, i like animals so much because I feel that my animals make happy us in my house. I have varius hobbis, in first place I like to travel, I have known places like easter island, valdivia, corral and niebla, also I´m in a flokloric group in Santiago, I have been there for 8 years and I have learned to play the  guitar, accordion and ukelele (instrument of easter island)



3 comentarios:

  1. Nice picture Simon, i hope one day travel at the same island like you, see you in class. Bless :)

  2. Hi simon! nice photo. What a cool place. Hope to see you soon!

  3. I love the animal´s !, I have two dog´s . nice photo. bless!!
